Sunday, March 8, 2009

More Customers Thru Pop-Up Windows And partnerships.

Traditionally , Microsoft has disagreed the Windows desktop was their "sacrosanct intellectual property" and that only their icons -- not those of their competition -- could reside on the desktop of a new PC.

As a matter of fact, Microsoft and its competitors found it to be so valuable a Fed. court case was fought over access to the desktop ( among other issues per the Windows operating system ). It is fascinating that there are still naysayers who query the selling power of the Windows desktop. "I was incredulous at this sort of ignorant perspective. One thing I want to indicate is that Microsoft allotted an almost non secular price to the Windows desktop by referring to it as their "sacrosanct intellectual property.

What makes the Windows desktop so valuable? It is the undeniable fact that few folk buy on a first time trip to a site. Pop-up windows are the ideal tool for generating new customers. Window blinds. On the in contrast, desktop selling is very effective and gets results and these successful firms know it.

Paul E Burke is President of See You Again Software, LLC and the trailblazer behind the one top selling pro desktop promotional products in history.

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