Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Google Bring Deskbar Search To Windows Desktop. Now Any Website Can milk This Search Technology.

"You have performed an ILLEGAL OPERATION, the program will be shut down. Since Bill Gates wants to be the boss, manifestly he put everything into Windows to make it work with Microsoft products. Now all of the other corporations that sell you things have to make theirs for the Gates configuration. Now you get a new program out of the box, put it on your Puter and guess what? The program doubtless has an entire ton of updates available to make it get together with Windows. Windows has a complete bunch of new updates to screw with the other corporations but "You performed an ILLEGAL OPERATION".

I will not mention any names but AOL and Netscape are a couple of the largest offenders. Here's a really good article about window shades. A couple of corporations are out to get one another and at your cost. They tell you it is some other person that's the cause and that company swears that it is another one. Google now rules the web, but positioning themselves on the desktop gives them the power to reign not simply the Web , but also the whole private PC. Users keep the search box running in the background at all points giving them continued reminders and occasions to search and patronize your internet site. But before you start updating third party software ( Not Microsoft ), you need to get the most recent updates for your version of Windows.

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